How a bad web design hurts a business - Vikram Soni

How a Bad Web Design Hurts Your Business

We have been designing website and mobile applications for around six years – enough to know that website is more than a visiting card. Now days a website is a must for your business to grow digitally. In business “Rule of thumb” works efficiently. A perfectly designed website decides the business, and turns website traffic to loyal visitors.

Does your website meet to latest technology and SEO standards? Does it create some horror stories to your business growth? We will help you completely to understand how a poorly designed website affects the business health. Sometimes new clients admit that they were potentially focused on cutting cost while hiring a freelancer or a good web designer. They face some technical hurdles to fix it, and at the end they become so desperate to get their business back online.

The journey starts after few months launching the website. As new technologies or updates release, it needed to redesign. Despite of spending money and time, website become outdated and slow soon. Website performance goes down and business stuck between slow code and security issues. Clients are interested in only thing "Can you help me?"

Let's discuss about what can harm your business more.

UI/UX design

How it feels, despite of investment, Ads and social media engagement your website could not attract the visitors? Do users confuse here what they want to buy from you? People don’t think much and immediately say no to bad websites design. Poorly designed website can’t leave a measurable impact on visitors and become a hurdle to business. When you are on starting a new business, you may not think why a business logo is important.

About 85% people face a common problem of confusing navigation when they visit a website. Bad web design are quite difficult to navigate for all users and this will frustrate them. Where as 70% people prefer mobile-friendly website because an outdated website doesn’t support all browsers and compatible with few systems. So you should deliver user-friendly website interface and meaningful rich contents what people want from business. It must allow them to explore the brand with easy navigation. Your website should work on all devices, and web pages must be responsive.

Page Loading time

You come across to your outdated website, when you realise that website failed to make the first impression on clients. It is a real risk to your business because visitors don’t like or revisit slow and unorganized website. Studies says, visitors take a few fraction of seconds to make opinion about the brand and your business.

If we look closer, most of visitors don’t like if website takes more than 3 seconds. Google has a standard to render the first element of website on browser. So, it is more important to refine the business journey. Find a professional web designer to redo and to improve user experience. Google says:

" ...slow deterioration of software performance over time or its diminishing responsiveness that will eventually lead to software becoming faulty, unusable, or otherwise called "legacy" and in need of upgrade. "

SEO and Digital marketing

Google SEO algorithm is changing every now and your business website should be improved with it. SEO is an important factor for your business growth with an organic reach and search appearance. In era of technology people search your brand on Google, read company profile and user reviews and explore your products. It can harm your business if your brand / product does not appear in front search results. Google improves its search algorithms and makes it stronger. Google never rank a website if it doesn’t follow the SEO standards. So, understand the search engine optimization terms to have a SEO-friendly website to rank faster in Google search result.

Customer: Trust bond

Approximately 56% of visitors immediately leave a website if there is no confidence-building elements like: testimonials, product reviews and company profile (achievements, awards). It’s become certain decision to leave because it’s not clear to them what company really does. By hiding them you’ll down an opportunity to lead business goals. So, make sure that company profile, testimonial and social media profiles are clearly visible to them. It helps them to know the company and products.


A bad website design confuses the potential customers, and make unclear actions while buying a product or services. Customers don’t understand how to contact the seller if call-to-action is not clear.

What makes a website good?

We spend a lot of time over internet and in surfing thousands of website. So, in my opinion your website should be capable enough in turning your potential clients into business growth. Here in an executive summary and some key features to improve website health and user experience.

- Hire a professional designer and have a well-designed and responsive website with a good user interface. Make sure that website is easy to navigate and contents are well organized.

- Have a mobile-friendly website, because most of people prefer to access internet over smartphones.

- Make sure contact details and address is clearly visible to visitors. So they can contact easily, if found any issue.

- Keep website up to date and bug-free. It helps visitors to have relevant contents over website. Provide them true information and real contents.

- Tell your story, company profile, and business stats to clients. So they know about business and build a trust-bond.

- Conduct a survey to know customers and display actual testimonials.

- It’s better to have a SEO-friendly website to improve website search result and Google indexing.

- Most important, website must have specific call-to-action. It must help to visitors in what you want them to do next.

Most of customers show interest into website user-interface, rich and meaningful contents. They prefer to contact you over phone after reading all customers reviews and business stats. As professionals, we’ve spent an ideal time to help our clients to avoid such common mistakes. It’s our core responsibility to ensure you get great business and quality services.

Don’t think much, if you own a website and need assistance to look into poor website-design or to fix technical issues. We will not only help you to improve website design and technical audit, but also in search engine ranking.


Bad Web Design
Mobile-Friendly Website
Business Startup
Potential Customers
SEO Strategy